I had just finished telling Brad that it has been nice because since his vesicostomy surgery he has had no UTI's..2 days later literally he got a UTI. So now we are battling one of those which is not usually too big of a deal but we are having a really hard time getting him to take the medicine. He gags, throws it up, pushes our hands away when we try. I have tried putting it in while I am BF him I have tried putting it in a bottle with juice or formula. Nothing works. So I will have to call the pedi tomorrow if I can't get anything in him. Other then those two things he is doing SO well. Our infant specialist that comes over once a week says she is amazed at how well he is doing. Due to his low tone he is pretty weak but he has been almost rolling, reaching for toys, and lifting his big ol' cute head up to look at us with his big blue eyes!
Lilly has started Kindergarten and she is loving being around the kids and so far it's been a great experience for her. She got to take home "Ms. Honey Bear" a stuffed bear with her own outfits and she had to help MS. Bear write in her journal about her experiences at our house. Journaling is like blog posts before the internet for all the kiddies out there :-) She's such a smart girl and is picking up on the spelling and other activities they have been doing.
Grace is enjoying the quiet time at home, and I think it's giving her a chance to express her creativity as well. She loves holding and talking to her baby brother and hearing all of Lilly's Kindergarten stories as well. She is our little sweetheart, but also a three year old, with all of the fun that that entails!
We love all of our gifts from God!